Hi, My Name is Xingxin Li.

Hello!!! I am a senior student at UCSB major in Geography. My favorite hobbies are reading Lonely Planet and watching Globe Trekker that followed the path they did to become a backpacker. I also have a huge passion with geography and map. This is my first time to using Rstudio and Github to create a website, and it’s very excited to using R on Git work with data analysis and graphing. I am hoping to learn more on useful technology that learn with GIS materials. This year is my second year at UCSB, before that, I am study at Mt. San Antonio College and work with my part-time job at restaurant and a famous boba store. I hope this year I can learn more GIS work which I can improve my skills. In this lab, I learn how to build my first website begin with R and Github.

Contact :

Github : https://github.com/ousdon